'Up in the morning early'
Cauld blaws the wind frae east to west,
The drift is driving sairly;
Sae loud and shill's I hear the blast-
I'm sure it's winter fairly.
Up in the mornings no for me,
Up in the morning early;
When a' the hills are covered wi snow
I'm sure it's winter fairly.'
by Robert Burns
This Monday was what is now becoming traditionally known as 'Blue Monday', when everyone is supposed to be well and truly fed up with winter and summer feels a long way off still, plus all the New Year resolutions have probably been broken. For me, well it's feeling a bit dreary with the weather and it's a struggle to get up in the morning, but then again I've always struggled to get out of bed for as long as I can remember, so that's nothing new!
It seems a long time now since Christmas and as we move away from the New Year, I'm feeing really well again at the moment, therefore I've no cause to complain about January. I'm still managing to keep to my New Year's resolutions, which is to keep myself fit and strong enough for my transplant and trying to balance taking it easy and keeping busy at the same time and of course I want to keep on raising awareness of Organ Donation and Pulmonary Hypertension.
The Selkirk Grace
'Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the lord be thankit'
by Robert Burns
by Robert Burns
'A Winter Night'
Blow , blow ye winds with heavier gust!
And freeze, thou bitter-biting frost!
Descend ye chill smothering snows!
Not all your rage, as now united, shows
by Robert Burns
In the eighteenth century when Burns was alive the concept of transplant, modern medicine and the NHS were not thought of, but back to modern day and the latest statistics from the NHSBT show that there are only eighteen people in the UK waiting for a heart and double lung transplant. That is not very many of us, but put in the context that only two of these operations have been done in the last year due to the shortage of organ donors, then you will understand that I will be one very lucky lady if I get that all important phone call. It looks very likely that I have one extremely long wait still ahead of me, during which time I need to keep well enough for transplant.
I've been waiting for my transplant for 492 days now, so that means that 1476 people will now have died while waiting for their transplant during this time too. In Burn's day, you would have had to go on horseback riding through the glens and mountains to get help and computers were unheard of, but if you wish to help, if you haven't done already, then just a simple click on the links below is all that's needed, no need to go out in the cold looking for your horse!
-sign up to the organ donor register on: www.organdonation.nhs.uk/
- sign the epetition for the 'opt-out' organ donor scheme: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/38220
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