That evening, surprise, surprise, my lovely friend had been admitted as an emergency too, she hadn't been feeling so good either and had rung up too. We were both well enough to sit and chatter and have a catch up and wander about. I remember thinking it was nice we were not on our own and her increase in drugs was planned for Monday, we would be going through it together again and could support each other on.
My increase started on Saturday and I was wired up and the nurse asked me if I was ready, she had helped me a lot back in December and knew this may not be pleasant. I was all cheerful and ready and knew it must be done - I just wanted to stay well and be there for my family and I would do anything for that. I reasoned the drug had been in my body now for a few months and it was used to it and it would not be as shocked as it was when they first started the Epoprostrenol. While I was wired up I noticed my friend, who was right across from me had been too, although she was not supposed to be starting her increases until Monday. We were both there with our sick bowls at the ready and we waved and smiled at each other, old times! I did think maybe they had started her increase same as me. Rob arrived to visit me early afternoon and all seemed to be well, he had a chat with my friend as he was pleased to see her again, and then sat with me chatting for a few hours.
When he left in the late afternoon, I noticed the ward nurse was sat with my friend for a long time, so I didn't get chance for another chat before tea time. An x ray machine was brought on the ward and there seemed to be a lot a attention around my friend, but it just looked as though they were doing their usual tests. Tea time came and went and I noticed by this time that there were two other nurses with my friend, who were in a different uniform and I began to suspect that something was not quite right. They took her off the ward with lots of support, two nurses and the doctor giving her lots of reassurance. I was really worried for her; however, I had heard the doctor gently reassure that everything would be all right and they would get her sorted and I knew she was in the best hands.
I was being very sick, so only one increase was given that day. I was still worried about my friend, who had not turned up back on the ward yet, people usually do after they have had a procedure, but I gathered as it seemed an emergency, she may still be in intensive care, I had seen this happen before and then the patient come back a day or two later. I thought the special nurses that had been with her were probably intensive care nurses. It was intravenous anti - sickness drug time for me again as well as Domperidone, a tablet anti sickness drug. When I was first offered Domperidone, I thought it sounded like a fine champagne and I always wanted to have a little giggle to myself that I had special champagne! I wasn't taking any risks, give me as much anti sickness as possible this time I thought!
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