Monday 18th October: I arrived on Duchess Ward, the Pulmonary Vascular Disease Unit at Papworth Hospital late, we had had a bad journey and the two main roads into Papworth were blocked, just our luck as if we were not stressed enough! I hadn't actually been admitted into hospital for an overnight stay since Rose was born sixteen years ago and in between worrying about everything, I was bothered about when to take the diuretics. If you are a PH patient you will know these make you 'wee for England' and it is not really a good plan to be either travelling too far or roaming around a hospital having numerous tests when you need to go every two minutes!
We set off for Papworth Hospital at Papworth Everard, in Cambridgeshire early on a Monday morning, arriving late because of the road accident. We signed in at reception and were directed to Duchess Ward. The ward was small, but spacious, I was shown to my bed and then immediately whisked off for my first round of tests, all was extremely organised to precision. They took me off in a wheelchair, which felt odd as I thought I should be able to walk around, they were concerned about the fainting.
The plan was supposed to be: here for three days then home on Wednesday afternoon. I had to be transported to various other parts of the hospital for some of the tests they needed to do and for this I was transported by wheelchair into the back of my own personal ambulance and then strapped in and driven. I remember on the first occasion this happened thinking, 'what has happened to me? Here I am sat on my own in the back of an ambulance, being driven around a strange hospital by a porter! It all felt very unreal, as though it shouldn't be really happening, little did I know that this would soon become a normal experience for me! On one of these occasions Rob came with me and we opened the case notes we had been given to carry round to try and see how bad the situation was, the consultant had underlined parts of my cardiologist's referring letter and written on there to get me seen quickly. It all pointed to things not being so good. On the evening they offered me the use of a commode because of my fainting, I was horrified about this and flatly refused. Again, little did I know this will become a normality at times in my life!
By Tuesday lunchtime, the PH team had gathered enough information on me to let me know that I had 'Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension' and that it was severe, classed as WHO class IV, the highest category. It was not the news I had hoped for, but deep down I did know that things had been bad, so it was probably not a surprise. They wanted to start me on a medication called Iloprost and recommended that I try it via a nebuliser, although it can also be administered intravenously. Again, I was disappointed at this, I really hoped I would just be given some tablets which would make me better, although I wasn't shocked really as I had prepared myself this may happen and that they may even talk of intravenous drugs, at least I was being given the option of a nebuliser!
I had to stay on the ward for a couple of extra days while they trained Rob and I how to administer the new drug I was going to have. During this stay I met some lovely patients and we exchanged some email addresses and phone numbers. I was discharged on the Friday and given a folder on PH provided by the hospital, together with a card, which gave a twenty four hour telephone number that I could use and ring the specialist nurse or ward if I needed help or was worried about any aspect of my condition. It was lovely to come home, wash hospital out of my hair, start my new treatment and feel full of hope and well supported at long last.
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