This was duly arranged and six weeks later I had the monitor attached. Unusually they took an ECG recording first as a base line and just as I laid down, my heart began to race quickly. I had been sleeping more or less sat upright and propped up by pillows since the dizziness began and I don't think my body liked having to lie flat. Well at least something might be recorded for the first time ever!
Nothing else happened while I had the monitor on and it was duly returned, more car parking, car parking fees and a traipse through a maize of long hospital corridors- well for Rob at least, it wasn't necessary for me to go with him this time, so I didn't. I was sent an appointment for the follow up for early December. All this was taking a long time in my ideal world and the event had passed and gone really, but it probably was reasonably quick by NHS standards and in the real world of hospitals.
Xmas shopping in Stamford |
At times I felt extremely weak when getting out of bed and moving, making me feel unsteady on my legs they felt so weak, and then the heavy beating would start up again, making me scared it was going to end in a faint, which would mean my heart wasn't coping again. I worried in the back of my mind that the PH is beginning to deteriorate. So during Autumn and over Christmas I went to bed every night, having to sleep almost sitting up and being frightened of the night, because all these symptoms seemed to be at their worst then. It was a good feeling when I woke to daylight in a morning and I had got through what seemed yet another long dark night. At night time, Rob is always sensitive to my movements. He wakes without fail if I am awake and he is always there to help me. It reminds me of the days when the children were little and we were always tuned in to hear them if they roused at night. Rob offers his never ending support to me twenty four hours a day. It is a great relief to me, I don't think I would even sleep at night if he wasn't with me every step of the way.
There is always a sense that I have made it through yet another twenty four hours as well, when I wake up in the morning, having had no phone call from the Transplant Team. We are trying hard to act normal and do normal things and make the most of life, planning outings to look forward to and planning for Christmas, but never far away is the thought of the actual transplant, what it will entail, what the outcome might be. What we will have to go through is never far away, and could be as near as a few hours away or as long as two years or so away or might ever even get to happen.
The only thing I can do to cope with all of this is just take one day a step at a time and get through it and make the most of it. At the moment I do not have a clue what will happen in the future, so I can only control what is immediately happening, so that is the best thing to focus on. I find it better not to dwell on the transplant, but at the same time remind myself of it and what is going to happen so that I will not go into complete shock when the time arrives, if it does. I have a transplant folder, which describes the procedures and drugs and possible outcomes, from time to time we just browse through this to refresh ourselves, all of us, so we are prepared when it happens. It is inevitable that waking up feeling unwell every single day, day in day out, dealing with the drug regime and all that brings, together with the uncertainties ahead, brings moment when you feel sad, depressed and down.
For me, I feel its important to have a little cry here and there and have a little wallow now and again as it is important that these feelings are released. But it is equally important to me that I don't waste this borrowed time I am on and it is best spent making most of what I have and enjoying what I have got, so most of the time I am still able to pick myself up and get back on with things. I know that I manage this with the close support of Rob and my girls, who are full of understanding and love. Some of my friends are never far away either and come to see me or meet up regularly with me. With all this support, it is difficult to stay down for too long.
Winter in Knebworth |
During this autumn period, the PHA Conference is being held. This is both a fun and sociable event as well as being informative about PH and the developments being made to treat it. Anyone whose life has been affected by PH is welcome to attend and Rob and I have booked to go. Funnily enough it is being held in the Cotswolds at Heythrop Park, which used to be our staff training centre when we both worked for NatWest. We are curious to go for this reason as well, we both had fond memories and it is a stunning building in beautiful grounds. It will be interesting to see what it is like now. We are also looking forward to meeting people again we have met through Papworth PH Matters Support Group and friends I have made on PHA Forum.
Unfortunately, the conference is only two weeks after my wedding escapades in Lancashire and I have not long been discharged from Papworth and still feel dizzy and unwell, I decide I would rather not be away from home again or have to make the journey there. I'm still not fully recovered from it and mentally it is going to take a lot of strength to be away from home again. I do not relish the though of visiting yet another A & E so soon. It is disappointing, but as we said to the conference organisers when we rang up to cancel, it is part and parcel of the job of being ill, sometimes you just have to be disappointed and then think of new plans you can make.
Following the conference, we had a sad day for our PH community, the inspirational young man, who had supplied me and many of us with our specially designed bags, which conceal our pumps and catheters, died at the age of thirty. He had been diagnosed with PH at aged nineteen and had survived eleven years with his Hickman Line and pump. He had been assessed for lung transplant some time ago and at that time he was too well, which was probably good news for him then, but he deteriorated and was sent for assessment again. Unfortunately this time he was too poorly to be listed. His story really brings home to me how important and short the window is between being 'too well' or 'too sick' for transplant and timing is key.
Whenever I question that perhaps I'm doing all right as I am for now and should I really be risking putting myself through transplant, I remind myself of him and know I am in a lucky position to have been given this opportunity. I know that had he been given it, he would have grasped it to the full and so would my other two friends who had lost their lives and battle with PH. I have met five other people on the Epopostrenol medication so far, making six of us. To date, three people have died and to my knowledge the other three of us are alive. This awful fact seems to resonate with the data I have been given by the Transplant Team on survival rates: only fifty percent of patients surviving on diagnosis and treatment. I know that I have to try and stay in the correct fifty per cent, therefore transplant has to be my only option.
What have they done? |
House wreck |
Celebrating an early Xmas with Rose |
Deer on Dalham Estate |
My excitement overrides my fears and anxieties about the trip.
View on a drive to Coniston |
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